
Ryan Morales
2 min readNov 18, 2020

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” — Archimedes

How can we maximize our potential? Thinking about this question led me to an interesting insight: your ability to reach your zenith is dependent on the levers that you can employ. A lever is a tool that allows individuals to apply a disproportionate force to lift a heavy object. In other words, a lever allows you to exert a force that you otherwise could not generate. The better your levers are, the more value you can create for others and yourself.

Three types of levers can take you to the next level: leadership, expertise, and technology.

Let’s start with leadership. The ability to lead, motivate, and inspire people is a game-changer. Charismatic people change the world. From the Dalai Lama to Obama, history is littered with examples of leaders who have moved people to take action. If you can influence and encourage people to support your cause, you can pretty much do anything.

Expertise is another form of leverage that you can use to reach your goals. Specialized knowledge and highly sought after skills can set you apart from other people. People who invest an inordinate amount of time in developing, cultivating, and mastering a craft stand out. The best of the best in any field gets disproportionate rewards compared to their peers. They are celebrated and generously compensated for their work.

Technology allows us to do more in a short amount of time with fewer resources. In the information age, you can access all the information in the world using your smartphone. You can make your life easier by automating tasks using your computer. You have the ability to communicate with more people around the world without leaving your home through social media. Learning how to leverage technologies to fit your workflow is a huge advantage.

Each of the levers alone will help you achieve your objectives. Keep in mind that combining two or all three levers can exponentially increase the odds of you achieving your goals.

